Tuesday, October 5, 2010


SO...it has been forever since I last posted on here. I figured it's time for an update and I hope to start posting regularly!

Olivia is now 1 year old - I can't believe it! She's walking around like a champ, has 4 teeth, and is talking so much now! She says around 25 different words such as "Mommy", "Dada", "Hi", "Hello", "Bye-bye", "Night-night", "Baby", "Ball", "Cookie", "Water", "Milk", "Car", "Flower", "Gra-ga" aka Grandma, "Dog", "Cat", "Duck", "ock, ock" aka rock, rock, "Uh-whoo" aka love you, "Got you", etc. She also knows what the dog, monkey, duck, and cow say! She enjoys getting in her rocking chair and rocking her babies, reading books to herself, playing outside on the swing, going for walks, playing hide and seek or peek a boo behind the curtains, playing with tupperware, pulling books off the bookshelves and flipping through them, pulling clothes out of her drawers, getting in the shower...yes we are in that search and destroy phase :)

She is such a spirited and strong-willed little girl! Discipline and training is definitely needed these days!! She's already throwing tantrums - falling on the floor and flailing, oh boy! She is certainly a happy girl and very social! She says "Hi" as we walk by people in the grocery store. She LOVES when she hears someone unlocking the door because it means either Daddy or Uncle Jordan are home...she runs to the door yelling "Dada". She also loves going bye-bye...if she sees you get your purse, backpack, lunch, keys, or the diaper bag she says "bye-bye" and will walk to the door. She also can somehow tell when you are about to get off the phone and says "bye-bye". When she gives hugs she pats you on the back - so sweet!

Sleep is an on and off thing for her...still waiting for consistency in that area! She recently had to wean and that was difficult but she is doing much better now. She is eating more things but I feel like there's not much variety in her diet. She has a food allergy called FPIES and is allergic to rice, oats, barley, sweet potatoes, peas, soy, etc. There is LOTS she can't eat so that makes feeding her a bit challenging!!

In other news we are expecting again - a wonderful surprise :) My due date is March 8th so I am 18 weeks now. Felt movement for the first time this week and am going to need maternity pants in the next week for sure! We find out in a week if we are having a boy or girl...we'll see if Mommy's feeling or Daddy's feeling is correct :) Our little ones will be around 18-19 months apart.

Another exciting thing in our lives right now is what the Lord is laying on our hearts and calling us to in regards to ministry! Through a series of circumstances and events over the past year (maybe I can get Wesley to post and give you more details) we truly feel the Lord calling us to full-time mission work overseas! We started the process with the International Mission Board (IMB) over the summer and it will take anywhere from 12-18 months. At this point we are open to going anywhere! We are still very much so interested in collegiate or university ministry. We will be meeting with the area director at the end of this month so that is exciting! Please be lifting us up to the Lord as we seek His direction for our lives and as we go through this process of preparing to move overseas!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Baby Dedication

We had the joy of publicly dedicating Olivia to the Lord last weekend! The dedication was held at the church we are currently attending where my parents are members. Wesley's parents (Gammi and PawPaw) and sister, Mandy, were able to come up for the dedication which was SO special for us! Also, my parents (Grandma and Grandpa), Jordan and his girlfriend, Brittany, as well as Caleb's girlfriend, Sam, were able to come - we are so thankful for their support and love for Olivia!
The service was so sweet and God-honoring. The verse that Daddy read for Olivia was Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight". Olivia did really well throughout the service even though it was getting close to bedtime! Here are a few pictures from this special time:

Olivia - 6 months...a little late

Our spirited little munchkin! You are very active, in fact, you are rarely still and quiet unless you are sleeping. You are passionate and are GREAT at letting us know what you want and when you want it :) You like attention! For example, Mommy and Grandma were talking while riding in the car and you kept talking louder and louder until Mommy and Grandma started talking to you :) You like to be louder than whatever noise is going on around you! You are such a smiley baby and melt our hearts as well as everyone who meets you. The nursery workers told me this week that you were "observant", "SO interactive" and that you "entertained the whole room - babies and workers".

Your 6 month doctor appointment went well even though you didn't like getting your shots! You are growing well even though you are petite - 14lbs (10-15%), 24 1/2 inches (5%). Your eczema was getting worse so the doctor gave us some stronger cream for that. We also got some medicine for your reflux and it has REALLY helped. You are spitting up less, more happy, and don't wake up screaming anymore unless of course you are hungry :)

You started solid food this month and have done pretty well with it. Some days are better than others. So far mommy has made you avacado, banana, sweet potatoes, butternut sqash, and whole grain brown rice cereal. I think sweet potatoes and bananas are your favorites so far.

You reached quite a few milestones this month - yay! You are now sitting without support, rolling back to tummy, transferring toys from one hand to the other, imitating sounds such as "ba" and "ma", putting your toes in your mouth, and recognizing your name! You love looking at yourself in the mirror, bouncing, splashing in the tub, reading books, putting toys in your mouth, playing with your feet, looking out the window, dancing to music, and of course talking! One of the things you still don't like is riding in your car seat - mommy has to sing to you most of the time and usually has to sing "the crocodile song" to keep you from fussing. You also don't really do well when we try to go out to eat. I think the noise bothers you and you try to talk or fuss louder than it is in the restaurant. You like drinking water out of mommy's straw and that keeps you calm for a little bit. Usually we end up passing you around the table or someone gets up and walks around with you - you're a little high strung baby girl :)

You still are not sleeping through the night but Mommy and Daddy have decided that's okay and we are working on helping you sleep better without needing us! Just this week we stopped swaddling you and you started sleeping on your tummy for the most part. We have a similar routine before naps and before bedtime of closing the blinds, reading books, and singing songs. Before bed we also have bath time and sometimes a little massage while lullaby music is playing. You are taking 2-3 naps a day and they are usually about 45 minutes but sometimes I can get you to sleep longer for your morning nap.

We love you so very much and are thankful for each day that the Lord gives us with you! We pray daily that you will come to know the Lord and that you will follow him all the days of your life!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Olivia - 5 months!

Happy 5 month birthday Olivia! Where has the time gone? You are growing up so quickly and learning so many new things! We love your good morning smiles and even your little lip that pokes out when you're sad. You are such a morning person - so happy and wanting to play! In the evenings you want to be held and walked around and are more fussy. You are so much like your mommy in your personality - high strung, determined, and feisty but so sweet and happy! You don't like your paci anymore but love playing with your hands and even sucking on your thumb every once in a while. You love playing in your exersaucer and have figured out how to manipulate all the toys on it. You don't stay on your tummy for very long because you like to roll over but when you are on your tummy you are bringing your knees up to your chest - good practice for learning how to crawl! Toys in your hands always end up in your mouth these days. You are our little talker! Rarely is there a quiet moment with you :) You are learning how to sit up all by yourself and can do it for short periods at a time now! You smile so much and giggle when you are tickled or when we play peek a boo, pat a cake, or this little piggy with you! You love bath time and like kicking and splashing in the water. Mommy and Daddy put you in the church nursery for the first time this past week and you did great even though it broke Mommy's heart to leave you there! You still don't like your car seat but are doing better than you used to riding in it! You like to look at and talk to yourself in the mirror - such a pretty girl! You also enjoy watching and talking to your friend Anderson who Mommy watches a couple days a week. You no longer take a bottle which is hard for Mommy but it does melt my heart that you prefer me :) You just hit 13 lbs and are growing out of your 0-3 month clothes. We are thankful that you sleep well at night. You sleep a total of 12 hours with one 7-9 hour stretch. You go down between 7 and 7:30. Your naps are only 45 minutes long so Mommy may try dropping one and see if with just two naps you will sleep longer! You still like to be swaddled. You also still sleep on your inclined sleep positioner because without it you spit up often and it wakes you up. We always have to keep a bib on you and a burp cloth on us because you spit up so often. Mommy thinks you may have some reflux but most the time it doesn't seem to cause you any discomfort so we don't have you on medicine but rather just keep you upright after feedings and are always prepared with extra outfits when we go out :) We love you so much and thank the Lord for you everyday!

p.s. Can you stay little forever??! :-)

Wish list

A couple months ago I created an Amazon wish list for future Birthday and Christmas gifts and to keep track of things I want when I have extra money to spend :)
Here are a few of the books I really want to read:
This last one I would like because my mom bought me a steamer/food processor in one specifically made for making your own baby food. I'm so excited to start using this to make Olivia healthy and cheap baby food! I'm going to start her on solids at 6 months.

Happy Anniversary!

On December 30, 2009 Wesley and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary! We are so thankful for what God has done in our lives these past three years and are excited to see what He has planned for our future! We were able to use a gift card from Christmas and go to Carabbas for some yummy Italian food! My sister, as part of her Christmas gift to us, told us she would babysit Olivia for us. It was our first date night since she was born! Wesley gave me some beautiful gerbera daisies, too! Sadly, we weren't able to get coffee or dessert after dinner because Olivia has been on a bottle strike and still will not take one!On January 7, 2010 my parents celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary! They were able to go out for a nice dinner and Dad got Mom some beautiful roses! I'm so thankful for such godly parents who have modeled to me how to walk with the Lord, love your spouse, and raise your children to love the Lord!

A little behind...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year...a little late :) We had a busy and fun first Christmas with Olivia. My sister, Courtney, came home from Chicago for a few weeks and here is what Olivia wore to pick her up from the airport:
My brother Caleb came home for a day so that we could go get a real Christmas tree! Olivia looked pretty small in comparison to the large tree!We were able to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with Wesley's family in South Georgia! Here are a few pictures from that trip including a couple from the family photo shoot.
We spent Christmas afternoon and evening with my family. It's so nice that our families are only 4 hours apart so that we've been able to have Christmas with both the last few years! Here's a few pictures with my family:
A few more Christmas pictures: